Our company purchased Billings Pro in early 2010 and upgraded with multiple machines and added Billings Pro Server. We love the simple applications for Billings, and they made invoicing a breeze! Something that can often be so combersome and boring. The templates that they provide in their software are great options for people in the creative industry, such as ourselves.
However - Once we added the server, we started having many issues. Any time that there was a software update to do, Billings Pro Server would repeatedly not work. This caused many workflow issues in our business, causing our response time with customers to slow down, and our workflow to screech to a halt.
I have had many interactions with the support team at Market Circle. While their response time was typically relatively fast, the amount of time that I had to invest with them in repairing an issue with the whole Billings system was far too extensive. None of the bugs were fixed by a quick "flip of a switch".
Once we upgraded our OS systems to Lion, the entire Billings System wasnt usable for weeks - as Billings tried to fix the bugs.
When our company made the switch to QuickBooks about 4 months ago, we had to spend upwwards of 10-15 hours in communications with the MarketCircle Support team, to try to get the export to IIF to work. In the end, after theyd done all they could do, the files were never able to be exported correctly. BillingsPro is now just a history archive of the last 2 years of our business, and weve wiped the slate clean and started with Quickbooks.
I wonder if we never would have run into these issues if we hadnt added BillingsPro Server to our workflow?
JesseOxford about Billings Pro